OUr appointment was this monring at 8am, bright and early. I will admit that last night I was a little nervous and slightly worried. Praise Jesus, everything is awesome! We were able to see one perfect beating heart, and the baby measures croen to rump 5.8 mm, which is prefectly on for 6weeks 3 days, which is what I am by dates. We were saddened to hear that one of our babies went straight to the arms of Jesus, but we celebrate the life of this little one that He has chosen to bless us with! THANK YOU LORD! I have never been so aware of the amazing miracle life is, as I have been going through this process. Embryos may be place into your womb, but only the hand of God Himself determines which embryos will continue on to life on earth. Humbling to think about. We give thanks today for this amazing blessing!!! Each morning I rise and feel nausea I praise God that this baby continues to grow! Thank you to all those who have been praying!!!

First glimpse!

First glimpse!
I found you through Jess. Congratulations on your pregnancy!