Today we had an unplanned ultrasound after having a small bleed yesterday of old blood (too much info?), thankfully we could get in for a scan, and honestly, thought it would be from the twin we lost, as the gestational sac was still seen. Praise Jesus, the baby is doing awesome, growing well, measuring 11 weeks 5 days. The news we didn't expect, placenta previa… a complete one. My placenta is completely over the cervical opening. The doctor said that it "might" move up, but that we should expect more bleeding, as he could see a collection of old blood, and that it is a situation with risk involved and a "certain level of uncertainty". All we can do now… reduce my activity, so I went off ER shifts, and get on our knees and pray that the Lord will bless us with this baby being born healthy at term. There's nothing left to do. Rest in the sovereignty of God, He is in control, not me… I'll admit it, I cried today, but thankfully the baby is fine! We even got to see him or her move its hand in front of its face and squiggle around!
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