Saturday 13 October 2012

The 2 week wait

If there's one thing I'm not good at, it's waiting. Blood test BHCG day, to see if I was pregnant as a result of this transfer, was set by my clinic for October 1st, 11 days after the transfer. 11 days, that's a breeze... right? Not so much... not when ALL you are thinking about is if this symptom, or that cramping means something good or bad... I was however allowed by my loving husband to buy 3 first response tests in the US (SO MUCH CHEAPER) and bring them home. I was SURE the transfer had worked by day 3 post transfer. I can't explain it, I just felt pregnant. My friend convinced me to hold off testing until day 5 or 6 post transfer. I compromised and got up at 3 am and tested at day 5.5 post transfer. I was a little worried that my urine wouldn't be concentrated enough after such a short time, but I woke up in the night and ALL i could think about was that I needed to test, because I KNEW it would be positive. So, I crept into the bathroom and with shaking hands I waited... within seconds I had it... A POSITIVE!
  The following morning I felt the need to make sure that line was getting darker... and praise the Lord, it was double as dark! By day 8 post 5 day transfer, the test line was darker than the control line. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
 By day 8 and 9 post transfer I was starting to feel some nausea throughout the day, which was a welcomed symptom! Day 11 post transfer was blood test day, to confirm that my hcg levels were where my clinic was happy with them. I found this digital test kicking around and thought I would try it out! I've never actually seen these words on a digital test before, so it was neat...
 Day 11 post transfer, my clinic was hoping for a bhcg of 100 or greater... mine was 229!! WOOOHOOO! Some very, very nonmedical websites listed this beta in the twins zone, although nothing can really tell except an ultrasound! I went for a repeat bhcg blood test 48 hours later with the hope for doubling the 229... it came back more than double at 526! My last bhcg was on Oct 9th, 18 days post transfer and it was 4092! Thank you Lord! All awesome numbers. Now we wait for our first ultrasound Oct 16th!

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