Monday 29 April 2013

NICU day 12

As if last week we had 3 issues to resolve... Here's an update:

1) apneas and bradys of prematurity... No longer an issue, in fact he never had them, and successfully off caffeine. Yahoo!

2) temperature regulation... Done... Praying the night is good and then tomorrow he should move to a bassinet like a big boy:)

3) feeds... Today has been another awesome breastfeeding day. At night he doesn't bottle well at all so the speech pathologist came by today to watch him bottle a feed and she had a lot of suggestions. First a slower flow nipple, second a tongue tie release and third me breast feeding as much as possible as it is way less work for him. After discussing with the NP taking care of him, they suggested that I stay as much as possible for breastfeeding and if he does well with that tomorrow they want me to stay overnight and are discussing moving him to demand feeds and possibly taking out his ng tube! So the next few days will be challenging for our family, but the more he can take from the breast the sooner we will come home! We want to be together as a family and want Mattias to continue to grow and develop and the team feels this is what is best for him. Please pray he doesn't tire and continues to nurse well at night!

Pictures are on Jason's phone from today so I will have to update them later :)

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